Is Alan Grant trying to tell us something? Is he Indiana Jones’ more modern cousin? The similarities between the two men are striking. With his authoritative professor air and battered fedora and khakis, Alan Grant was giving off serious Indiana Jones vibes. Like Jones, Alan Grant excavates the secrets of history that “belongs in a museum,” like Jones. He is an engaging professor who lands in an unexpectedly dangerous situation. He even has a blonde companion. However, Jurassic Park shows the viewers that Indiana's story can be different. Equality among the sexes— Jones’ companion screams and panics rather than contributing to their situation. She has less value than the ten-year-old boy and cannot be trusted with anything, not even sit there and look pretty. While Jones’ companion is a pretty, weight around his neck, Grant and Sattler have a different relationship. They're frequently shown shoulder to shoulder. He treats his romantic and professional partner, ...
Thoughts about the best and worst of blockbuster writing